
Showing posts from March, 2020

Have a good Spring Break!

My son and I were doing step by step drawings today.  We had fun and this was my result.  A great resource for this is Art Hub for kids.  Stay safe and take care.  Mrs Schulz :-)

Picking up Belongings

Hello CJP families, Please see in the schedule below the pick-up times for you to pick-up your child’s personal belongings and return library and home reading materials. We have divided the pick-up times into several sessions to assist with social distancing. We respectfully request that only  ONE  parent enter the school to reduce the number of people visiting the building. We recommend that children stay home as this will likely be a difficult time for them to remain a safe distance away from peers and friends, however, this remains a parent decision as we are not allowed to restrict student access to the building for belonging pick-up.   Please bring a backpack or shopping bag as most children have many items that will need to be taken home.  Please do  NOT  take the bin holding your child’s items .  All lost and found items will also be in the gym. If your child has  medication  stored at school, please check in with the teacher who will be at a table in the hall. The

Stories Coming Home - please sign and return rubric

Edit: Your child's story with the rubric will be included in their folder for pick up on Wednesday (see other blog post for information on pick up) Our first stories are coming home Monday! What great authors we have in room 3! Children will be happy to share their story with family! See previous blog post on story writing showing our development of character, setting, problems, attempts to solve the problem and endings that we used as a guide and steps for writing our stories. Please review the rubric of your child's self assessment (in highlighter) and Ms. McCullough's assessment (in pink check marks) and by comment.  You may take a photo of the assessment then please sign and return the rubric. The story is yours to keep and enjoy!

How to log onto IRIS

Iris  is a tool that students can use to upload, save, and revisit digital artifacts from their learning.  It is a great place to view what your child is doing and use these as conversation starters about their learning.  How do I log in? Go to the school website: To log onto  IRIS   Username (CBE Student ID) and password will be provided by your child’s classroom teacher. If you have not received this information or have forgotten it, please email the teacher. A great activity to do in IRIS with your child is below. In IRIS, under  Understanding Myself as a Learner  click on  + Add new  (blue button bar) With your child, please discuss and then answer the following questions by typing the question then the response:             Two things to know about me is (interests, hobbies, talents, likes, dislikes)… Two things to help me with my learning is… I learn best when:

Double Digit Addition Tic-Tac-Toe


Double Trouble Math Game

Double Trouble You’ll Need 1 die Paper What to Do On a piece of paper, each player must create a grid that’s five squares long and four squares high. In each box, players randomly write an even number from two to 12. Player one rolls the die, and all players must figure out the resulting number’s double. Players put an X in one of the squares on their grid that includes that number. The game continues until the first player completes a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally and calls out, “Double Trouble!” For a more challenging variation, play with two dice and create a grid that includes the even numbers from four to 24.

Math this week

Math Grade Ones This week we continued to look at addition strategies.   The strategy that we focussed on was the doubles strategy.   Knowing doubles leads to students being able to use the doubles strategy for addition to master facts such as 6+7 (6+6+1).  It also will help with future math concepts such as the 2x tables in multiplication and fractions. Here are some questions you can ask your child to reinforce their learning:  What is the strategy called when you are adding the same number together?  How do you use a double to add 5 + 6? What are examples of doubles in real life? Here are some to get you started. 1+1 (eyes) 2+2 (dog's legs) 3+3 (soda) 4+4 (spider's legs) 5+5 (hands) 6+6 (eggs) 7+7 (calendar) 8+8 (crayon box) 9+9 (18 wheeler truck) Please practice doubles at home with your child.  (1+1, 2+2, 3+3...up to 9+9) using dice, playing cards, or flashcards.   You can also check out the Doubles Trouble Post on this blog! Grade Twos

A few important items

1. Please check your email as some important messages have been sent to you regarding school          gatherings. 2. Our assembly will be rescheduled sometime in April.  3. Please send back the pink forms about next year as soon as possible. 4. Please sign and return any assessments you have (i.e. math, dance, science) Thanks for your continued support.

Art Felting Wednesday

Ask you child about what we did for our art felt residency on Wednesday!

Dance Assessments for Physical Education

Coming home today are your child's self assessment for their  group work in their dance performance in physical education. Along with it, will be the teacher assessment as well. All students did amazing and should be celebrated for their creativity and hard work! Ask your child to perform his or her dance for you and discuss how their group worked  together to come up with the dance moves! Please sign and return this form.

Story Writing

We are working on writing our second story already! We look forward to sharing a story at conferences. It has been very guided step by step process we have  followed.  Here is each part and the ideas we came up with as a class for each part:

Will the Magnetic Field Pass Through

Tuesday, we tested to see if the magnetic field would pass through a  variety of materials such as  tinfoil, carpet, foam, cardboard and more. Ask your child about our conclusions/results.


Our mailboxes have turned into  buckets and  we are writing notes to fill each others  bucket or thank someone who filled our bucket. Next week, we will get to read our messages. Here are some ways we thought of for how we can fill other people's buckets. We have it posted by our boots so each morning we can think of a way to fill another person's bucket.

Strongest Magnetic Field

Today, we learned about 4 types of magnets and tested the strength of them. Ask your child which magnet they found had the strongest  magnetic field.

Number Sense Assessment

Coming home today  is a math quiz that was assessing your child's number sense. Grade 1s:  The focus was on their ability to count, represent and describe numbers to 20 in different ways.  It also looked at their ability to count from various starting places. Please continue to work with your child on counting up to 100 and being able to count, represent and describe numbers to 20.  It can be as simple as counting objects at home or in the car.  It is still common at this age for some numbers to be backwards.  If your child is reversing their numbers, try to have them look over their work and see if they can find the backwards ones.  This way they can start to self monitor their own work and will naturally start fixing their backwards numbers.  However if your child is reversing their teen numbers (ie 31 for 13) please practice writing them the correct way to avoid future mathematical confusion. Grade 2s:  The focus was on their ability to identify missing numbers on a 100 bo


Today, we read a story ABC Mindful Me and discussed ways we could calm ourselves when we are feeling upset, angry or worried. We then coloured some strategies we felt would work best for us. We will continue to talk about these strategies throughout the year. You may want to think of some strategies you and your child use at home or share your personal strategies  with your child when you are faced with elevated emotions.

Math and Social Studies this week

Just a reminder that we have  library on Friday . Please make sure your child brings their library book so that they can switch it out for a new one!  Math As we are launching into learning about addition and subtraction, please note that  there has been a shift away from rote memorization of math facts and toward a strategy-based approach for  learning  math facts.  There’s a big difference between memorizing and understanding. Sure, we want kiddos to have automaticity with their facts, but we want that fluency to be rooted in number sense–an understanding of how numbers are related.  We will be focusing on building that understanding through strategies rather than focusing on algorithms.   Grade Ones This week we looked addition strategies.  We looked at adding 0 and using number lines to add 1, 2, and 3 Here are some questions you can ask your child to reinforce their learning:  What is the strategy when you are adding zero to a number?  How do you use a nu

Room 3 Assembly

Our class will be presenting at the next assembly.  It will be on March 13th at 9:30 am.  You are welcome to come and watch your children present their learning.  


We have started our new science study of magnets! Ask your child about the amazing magic tricks Ms. McCullough did today  (that weren't really magic but just magnets doing their magic). We had so much fun learning about a magnetic field and how  magnets will attract   if they are opposite poles (north and south) but will repel if they are (south and south or  north and north). We also learned that our Earth is a big magnet with a core of iron! That explains why we have north pole and a south pole just like our magnets.

Place Value Triangle

Here is February's game.  We have played it in class and the students had fun. 

Math and Socials this week

Math This week we looked at words for addition and subtraction.  Here are some questions you can ask your child to reinforce their learning:  What are some words for addition (add, plus, more than, sum, total) and some words for subtraction (minus, subtract, difference, less than, decrease)?  Does this make sense: 3 + 2 = 4 +1? (yes, because each side of the equation equals 5)  Students have also been practicing their basic math facts to 18. Please practice this with them at home as these basic facts will be super important for the rest of their lives!  Socials This week we have been looking at pictures, books, and artifacts to learn about the past.  We looked at some pictures from a kitchen, child's bedroom, school, and farm to learn about the past.  Here are some questions you can ask your child to reinforce their learning: How  can studying photographs help us learn about life long ago? Is life today the same as life was in the past? How we can