Math and Socials this week


This week we looked at words for addition and subtraction.  Here are some questions you can ask your child to reinforce their learning: 
  • What are some words for addition (add, plus, more than, sum, total) and some words for subtraction (minus, subtract, difference, less than, decrease)? 
  • Does this make sense: 3 + 2 = 4 +1? (yes, because each side of the equation equals 5) 
Students have also been practicing their basic math facts to 18. Please practice this with them at home as these basic facts will be super important for the rest of their lives! 


This week we have been looking at pictures, books, and artifacts to learn about the past.  We looked at some pictures from a kitchen, child's bedroom, school, and farm to learn about the past. 

Here are some questions you can ask your child to reinforce their learning:
  • How  can studying photographs help us learn about life long ago?
  • Is life today the same as life was in the past?
  • How we can study artifacts to learn about a time long ago?
If you have any artifacts or photographs from your family's past, please share them with your child to help them understand that their family has a past and that life was different then.


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