Word Collector

"Reach for your own words. 
Tell the world who you are and how you will make it better!"
-Peter Hamilton Reynolds

Today, we read the book "The Word Collector".
This is a beautiful book about a boy who collects 
words - words that sound neat, words that are meaningful,
words he loves to hear,
action words and many other kinds.
He then spreads his words from the top of 
a high hill for all the children to collect and enjoy.
We shared our favourite words too.
Some words students came up with were 
peace, thank you, fantastic,
dad, powerful, jelly
molasses, super and many, many more.
Students shared words from their home language and the meanings in English. 
It was lovely to hear
 other languages and to learn about how many 
languages are spoken in our classroom.
If your child speaks another language at home,
you may want to help them write on a post it
or small piece of paper
a favourite word from their language and we will share with the class and post it in our classroom.
As part of our reading strategies, expanding vocabulary - tuning into interesting words,
students will be able to post words they find interesting
as they are reading or listening to stories
and post them in our classroom.
This will help us really increase our vocabulary
and learn new words we can 
use to express ourselves.


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