Wonderful Wednesday

Our day at a Glance

Played a math game called Beat the Teacher.  The students are to create a three digit number.  We roll each digit and they have to decide which place value column to place the number.  I am also creating my number.  Their goal is to try to create a bigger number than I did with those numbers. It's a fun game to try at home.

Math - we explored how many different ways we could make the numbers 16, 57, or 119.  The students explored using ten frames, golden beads, tally marks, number word, picture, number equations and a variety of other ways to depict their number.  Ask your child about which number they chose and how they represented their number.

Social Studies  - we talked about celebrations that we share with our families.  We brainstormed a list of ideas and then proceeded to make a list of their own celebrations in their visual journal.  Have a conversation with your child to see if they remembered all the special celebrations you might share.

Health - we had a serious talk about respecting ourselves, others, and our space today.  We are having some challenges in this area as a class.  I seek your support to have conversations with your children about their behaviour choices during the day and to reflect on how they are positively contributing to our classroom environment in a respectful way.

Wish list:

-clear egg cartons

-gloves- we use these gloves as erasers for our whiteboards.  If you happen to have single mittens that have lost their pair, would you please consider donating these lost souls to our classroom? :-) Thank you.

-we seem to be going through whiteboard markers quickly in our room.  If you happen to have markers that you would be willing to donate, we would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks.


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