Thursday Math

In math we explored some Esti-Mysteries.  The students loved them.  

What is Subitizing?
Simply put, subitizing is the ability to recognize a small group of objects without counting. It is a fundamental skill in the development of number sense.  I find that using a real-life example often helps in understanding certain concepts so let’s give it a try.  Last week I baked some sugar cookies. If I were to take four of these cookies and place them on a plate I would know there are 4 on the plate without having to count each one individually. This is because I have a “stable mental image” of the pattern of 4.  I can move the cookies around in different positions on the plate and still know there are 4 cookies. Since I have the ability to subitize I don’t have to count each cookie (1-2-3-4) to know there are 4.
Today we played Splat to practice this skill.  Another fun activity.

Ideas for Practice at Home
Try to find stuff around the house to practice.  For example, you could take 6 hot wheels and place them on the floor in different orientations to practice this skill. 
Using dice and dominoes are also tools to build this concept.  You could play games that use dice or dominoes like Crib or Mexican Train.  Or it could be as simple as rolling some dice and have your child do something that many times (5 - jumping jacks or stand on one leg for 5 seconds, or cartwheels, etc).  Feel free to be creative.


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